Naturally, none of these options is as satisfactory as true auto scrolling. There is also the Page Up and Page Down keys that allow you to jump the height of one screen up or down.

Even though it is not natively present in Windows and Firefox, your computer still provides the next best thing in the shape of middle-scrolling with a mouse or three-finger clicking with your trackpad. With autoscroll, your web page becomes automated as it slowly scrolls up according to a set speed, allowing you to read at leisure without lifting a finger. How to automatically scroll a web page down or up in Firefox? We will tell you about the tools you can use to enable autoscroll. In case you have been searching for a way to enable this feature in Mozilla Firefox, this guide is for you. Wouldn’t it be nice, though, if we could forgo these actions and just have the webpage autoscroll by itself? You can put your feet up while the webpage slowly flows up or down according to your reading speed. Another method is to place the cursor on the narrow scroll bar at the right border of the page, then hold LMB as you move your hands up and down on your laptop trackpad. Those using desktop PCs can also use the mouse wheel to accomplish the same thing while laptop users can just plug in a USB mouse. We accomplish this by pressing the up and down directional bottom arrows on the keyboard.

We scroll down to reveal more content and up to return to previous lines.

Unless, of course, you reduce the font, in which case good luck squinting your way through the text. Most web pages these days are so chock-full of content that it is impossible to make everything fit the dimensions of your computer screen.